Showing posts with label Tarifa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tarifa. Show all posts

Thursday, March 07, 2019

Monday, March 04, 2019

a few scenic images Tarifa area

on two of the days we were around Tarifa the easterly wind hit 45 -50mph creating some massive waves -- good for kite surfers but bad news for migrants crossing the straits 

Below Morocco looks so close to Tarifa when compressed by a telephoto lens

Sunday, October 01, 2017

Tarifa area scenes

not what you would call a scenic area of the world and with 90% humidity and almost constant haze it is almost impossible to get a clear image -- a 4-wheel drive is very useful if you want to do any exploring off the main road
 Los Lances beach at sunset

 Looking from the main raptor viewpoint over Tarifa town
 inland from La Janda site for Spanish Imperial and Bonelli's
 La Janda -- hardly scenic or attractive but good for birds
 Tarifa port
 Inland valleys

 mani raptor viewpoint has a useful cover to keep the sun off
 Views from the raptor viewpoint

 La Janda and the main pool

 sunset Bolonia beach

 almost as many no entry signs as Far Ings

 a short hop to Morocco Jebel Musa in the background