the female Smew on Hotel pit appeared to be absent until I was walking back to the car and it swan past at 5m range with the rain falling and camera hidden away---after that it was just never close again
this first-winter Marsh Harrier which was hunting Barton pits during the afternoon has sustained some loss of inner primaries on the left and right wings--it appears to be a different bird to that photographed on the 24th even without the wing damage--the tail is also badly abraded---the question thus arises as to what has happened to this bird?
on a dull and cold afternooon some light refreshment was provided by this Little Grebe which fished right in front of the Hotel pit hide at Barton---but as soon as it ventured 4m around the corner it was immediately under attack from the local pair of Coots hence the running shots
having been interested in a 300mm f4 lens for some time I have just bought one and have been out today in so so lighting trying it out with and without my 1.4 converter--results so far are very pleasing---while on Waters' Edge a juvenile Marsh Harrier appeared for 10 minutes and allowed me to get some distant shots as it was chased by a Carrion Crown and then to put on the converter and catch it as it departed to the west
Coots are ever present on the local ponds and as such are often ignored but they have great character and a real attitude problem when it comes to disputes