although now a mega on the east coast still very common in western Ireland
African White-backed Vulture Gyps africanus (1) FIRST FOR SPAIN. 2ND FOR EUROPE AND WP
(1) Cádiz On 7.9 one was photographed from Tarifa, Cádiz (Markus Varesvuo). He sent the photos to Dick Forsman on 15.9 who immediately broadcasted the news to this website with this comment:
'To my great surprise the bird is an African White-backed Vulture Gyps africanus, an immature, approximately 18-24months old! The pictures (2) are excellent and the bird is in the company of two Griffons in flight. It was seen and photographed on Sep 7th'
Photos can be seen here and here (opens in another window)
bell rings -- we were there that day -- oops check through the Griffon shots in the library and well there it is 7.9 with 2 Griffons -- not as good photos as Marcus' but clearly the bird --