some visitors will have seen the flying Shoveler picture featured in the latest edition of Birdwatching magazine (copied above) and also the comments on the blog in the previous edition; always nice to receive some appreciative comments
I first saw this bird two weeks ago but in several visits to this survey area have not seen it since; today it was very obvious but still hard to get to grips with thanks to the accompanying Goldfinches; the record shots here show apparent good Arctic features; the buff facial area, broad white greater covert bar though already worn, white median covert bar, one fine grey streak on longest undertail covert, general colouration, thick-necked appearance and shaggy trousers.
the two shots here were taken at 200 ISO 1/25th sec at f4 and 3200 ISO 1 320th sec at f4; considering the difference in ISO there is still amazing quality at the very high ISO of course with increased noise; both on tripod 1DIII with 500 f4; it was pretty dark by this stage of the afternoon; no noise reduction on