a nice sunny day at Donna Nook but far too many people and just one Grey Seal pup but some Common seals which were acting as surrogate youngsters for most of the observers!
Finally managed to catch up with the Red-breasted Geese after about 5-6 miles of trudging across saltmarshes and tidal creeks---today they were initially with about 200 Dark-bellied Brents then split off with 9 Dark-bellied and one Pale-bellied Brent
two Shorelarks at Saltfleet this am were particularly striking birds but flighty as all Lincs Shorelarks seem to be---also 5 Twite of which this colour ringed bird was most likely from Light Hazzles Reservoir near to Littleborough, Calderdale/W Yorks
the last remains of the wartime sea plane jetty at Killingholme are rapidly falling into the Humber--a sad end for a rare bit of British history but at least it is providing a perch for the Grey Herons and Cormorants
with a where to go birding article in the forthcoming Birdwatching it was a relief to find 4 Short-eared Owls, 5 Stoenchats and a pair of Bearded Tits in the place where I claimed they would be!--in addition there were about 5 million mosquitos biting like hell; this must be the latest I have ever been plagued by mossies in the UK
failed to find a White-rumped Sand this morning at Killingholme so ended up looking for Lapwing shots---4000 Black-tailed Godwit, 660 Dunlin, 330 Redshank and not a single yank--also adult Med Gull on the shore and Peregrine harassing the godwits
clearly newly arrived on the westerly airstream was this new for Lincs and Britain? Turkey Vulture at Barrow Haven this morning---well it was a rather poor day's birding!