as readers of the Lincs Bird Club forum will be aware I had a kite on May 21st over my local patch which I identified as a Red Kite but it was in fact a rather more interesting Black Kite the first for my patch, needless to say; views were against the light but I managed to get a few record shots of the bird with the two local Buzzards which were escorting it out of their territory; from the photos the wear on the left primaries seems to confirm that it was almost cetrainly the bird seen in North Norfolk from late April through to May 20th; these are the photos
after a lot of searching I again found this male Nightjar the same bird I photographed last week and surely the same male that was on the same territory in 2006; which made me think does this bird recognise me from last year?--if birds recognise a small bit of heathland in the middle of England do they also recall encounters with strange people? certainly it now seems to have sussed out that I can see it in spite of its cryptic plumage as it decided to fly when I was still quite a long way from it today
a female Yellow Wagtail from Alkborough with a greyish crown and mantle--photos are not great but the back on shot shows the contrast between the greyish mantle and back and the greener rump---