after seeing three Buff-breasts in autumn 2006 it was amazing to come acreoss one on the local patch this am; will it be another record autumn for this petite and attractive wader?
after a long spell of finding no rare birds I picked up this adult Buff-breasted Sandpiper on my local patch on the morning high tide; as usual as the tide fell all of the waders moved out of sight over the edge of the rocky ridge; they reappeared at about 16:45 and roosted again on site over the evening high tide giving excellent views but the Buff-breast was never quite close enough for really good shots and the sun often went behind big clouds when the bird was at its closest; the distinctive underwing pattern stands out well in the flock shots
the MET office forecast a fine evening on Thursday following the rain; it cleared about 2 hours late, the sun came out and the 3 juv Monty's were brilliant but even more distant than before; while in the car park a loud bang signalled that one of my front springs had broken hence a slow and noisy ride home!---poor images but size v C Crow and the striking contrasts of the juvenile plumage
yesterday the evening was nice and sunny so I headed down to the harriers but as expected they were all well away from the nest site; fortunately the 3 juveniles came in to roost at 20:00 while the low evening sun was still nice;
these two juvenile Marsh Harrier shots are just about full frame on the camera and are my favourite poses from a long series---they are heavily sized down here and somewhat better than the rather poor Monty and Black Kite images below---click for bigger pics----a nice result from about 7 hours in the hide this week