not a close bird but a test of the AF on the 1DIII -- it was hot and I had the 2x converter on so there was some loss of quality but the images all seemed to be in focus
I eventually bought some extension tubes to allow photography of damselflies with the 300 2.8 and 1.4 converter; first impressions are pretty promising; Blue-tailed and Common Blue Damsels, Common Darter and Common Blue and Comma
this juvenile Black-necked Grebe was being chased and attacked under water by an adult Little Grebe hence the side stepping and water running; the images were quite small in the 1DIII but all of the sequence were sharp in this instance
at least here an attacking Common Tern has been nailed by the 1DIII AF system -- it did take a bit of locking onto though as the bird came head on at speed;
I have still not had the time or chance to do any proper tests on the AF on the 1DIII but image quality is clearly excellent; the two Stock Dove images show just how much cropping is possible to produce a decent image and the AF has tracked a small bird image all be it against a bland sky
this is a rather small gull, comparative photos here with Black-headed and Herring Gull and that is what caused initial concerns over the ID --- a couple more wing shots showing the extent of the moult from 3cy to adult winter
a second day at Chapel - Wolla Bank produced superb views of this rather small Audouin's Gull but it seemed to be constantly blowing a gale and when the bird was closest it was always dull to dismally dark but a first for Lincs and some record images
a few more images showing the extent of the wing moult and the adult type outermost primary
I would think that this juvenile Greenshank will keep more than one eye open for the next passing Peregrine -- it pitched into the water and then made off while the juvenile falcon seemed to be hanging over the wrong spot!