Tuesday, March 31, 2015

local Marsh Harriers

took some rubbish shots of this pair yesterday; today an absolute gale so nearly didn't bother but light was good and you can never tell -- 7D2 with 300 2.8 and 2x converter -click to see difference in images; at this sort of magnification there is very little room for error with a bird jinking in the gale--- is there any wonder people get the age and sex of Marsh Harriers wrong! I suggest a 3cy male and adult female here


Peter said...

Hi - just one across your blog Lots of great images here Enjoy the Chiff chaff and that pike!
Re the m harrier which photos are which sex?

Harry said...

It's presumably possible that the male could be a 'female-like' adult male?

Katie said...

After enjoying some close encounters with displaying birds yesterday, and seeing your pics, I really need to read up on the moult of marsh harriers... Any chance of a blog post titled 'Marsh harrier moult for dummies'?

Graham Catley said...

never stop learning about these birds and still no definitive ageing or sexing in the field criteria - just fascination and intrigue