the Canon 500 f4 II is an amazing lens but it is still bulky and I recently ended up leaving it at home on foreign trips in favour of the 300 as I actually like to do some birding; along with the ever present potential back problems with the lower left disk I have been reading reviews of the new 400 DO II and thinking and rethinking; a jog up and down Filey Brigg with the 500 finally pushed me over the edge as you may say and not able to shell out for yet another lens had to decide to trade in the 500; I even got approval from the house manager as it would save room being a much smaller lens! it is probably a step down but when you leave the big lens in the car as you cannot carry it 2 miles there has to be compromise -- but what a weekend to receive a new lens -- dismal, dull and totally lacking in daylight; anyway here are a few first attempts from 18th -- there are not that many field reviews of this newish lens and all I have seen have been done in nice sunny climes so details to attached to these dull British shots -- I was actually amazed at some of the 7D2 shots at 3200 ISO as I have never risked it above ISO 1600 before

above and below Canon 1DX with 400 DO II and 1.4 converter; ISO 3200 1/1250 f5.6

above and below Canon 1DX with 400 DO II and 1.4 converter; ISO 3200 1/1250 f5.6
above Canon 1DX 400 DO II 2x converter ISO 3200 1/1250 f8
above Canon 1DX with 400 DO II and 1.4 converter; ISO 3200 1/1250 f5.6

above Canon 7D2 400 DO II 1.4x III -- 3200 ISO, 1/640 f5.6
Above Canon 7D2 400 DO II 1.4x III, ISO 3200, 1/2500 f 5.6
Above and below Canon 7D2 400 DO II 1.4x III, ISO 3200, 1/2500 f 5.6

Below Canon 7D2 400 DO II 1.4x III, ISO 3200, 1/2500 f 5.6
Amazing pictures.
What noise reduction have you applied to the 3200 iso 7D mk2 images?
Hi Richard
Just run Neat Image over them nothing spectacular; I was surprised by how good they were
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