Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Iceland Gull number 3

the second 3cy bird -- subtle differences in plumage and structure from the first bird -- the influx or movement of white-winged gulls seems to be continuing -- could March be a bumper month?

3cy Iceland Gull

the long staying bird still feasting on fish skeletons and scraps / skins

a 2cy Iceland Gull

one of 3 seen around Grimsby today with the long staying 3cy and a new 3cy bird to add to the January tally -- this bird was never close over  a high fence and disappeared after about 30 minutes -- plenty of pigment in the primaries again

Monday, January 30, 2012

Glaucous Gull

I seem to recall that the last first-winter Glaucous Gull I photographed at Pywipe was in March 1990! -- it was late when I managed to get there and dull and wet with sleet and wetness prevalent; a nice location with beautiful scenery enhanced further by the odours from the adjacent sewage treatment plant

Ruff back again

not sure how many winters this male has spent at Humberston but its quite a few -- strange how odd individuals inhabit small areas of suitable artificially food rich habitats and return year on year

Gadwall and Lapwings