Tuesday, December 18, 2018

the Gigrin Black / Black-eared Kite revisited

going through some raptor images and working up the RAWs of the Black Kite / Black-eared Kite at Gigrin that we saw on January 28th and 29th 2010 and I wondered if any progress had been made with its identification -- being after BBRC dropped the species was it even submitted as a possible lineatus ?
Looking at Dick Forsman's latest book it clearly has some lineatus features, like the underwing pattern, base of outer primaries with white flash, wing formula? colourless feet and cere as opposed to yellow in Black, plain undertail coverts but is the undertail too heavily barred? whatever it was a splendid bird amongst the mass of Red Kites and on the 29th it started snowing with the sun out --

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